Welcome back, once again, to my latest entry in Equestria Daily’s Artist Training Grounds. Today’s prompt is Draw a pony family activity / Draw a pony party. I had to of course go with my favorite family in Equestria, playing a party/activity that is sure to bring them closer together as a family, AND as friends. Look at all of them having such a great time with one another!
In all seriousness, I do love Mario Party, in all of its ridiculous RNG glory. I’m kinda like Derpy in this pic; while I try to win, I don’t really care that much if I’m behind; I just enjoy playing the game with friends. But at the same time, I couldn’t resist making a traditional “Mario Party joke”, with the Pink One joining the festivities and being that mare by scooping up all the hidden blocks while everypony else wanders aimlessly. Sorry that the background is so boring; I got tired of working on this after a while.
Hope you enjoyed my scenario that I’m sure will be triggering to some. Looking forward to the next prompt!
Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves, Dinky, Sparkler, and My Little Pony belong to Hasbro and DHX. Mario Party belongs to Nintendo.