In the past, long before the beginning of any of the great civilisations of Equestria, the dragon had no leader and lived scatered across the land. The first to try to unite them as one peaople was a dragon named Brimstone, but the dragons were proud and refused to obey someone else, especially someone they deemed as weeker than them.
If he wanted to realise his project he had to prove he was stronger and more courageous than any dragon. He traveled to the smokey mountains to find a mighty earth elemental called crunch the rockdog, when he finally found him, a terrible fight ensued from witch he came out deeply wounded but victorious. From Crunch remains emerged small dog that ran away and hid underground at the sight of the dragon covered in blood, they were the first of the species that will later be known as the diamond dogs.
Brimstone had won the fight but he needed to bring back a proof to the other dragons so he removed one of Crunch’s amethyst fang and carved a scepter out of it and placed at its top the red stone that Crunch wore around his neck, making the dog’s source of power into the symbol of his strength.
When he Brimstone went back among the dragongs, they saw his strength and courage and appointed him lord of all dragons, vowing to obey him no matter what.
Near the end of his life, he decreed that the one who could prove he his the strongest among all the dragons would inherit his scepter and become the new dragon lord.
His work was continuated by his successors dragon lord Garnet the wise, who wrote the dragon laws and dragon lord scintilla the brave,who settled the dragons in the dragon lands. They are thought to be the greatest dragons to have ever lived and the founders of the dragon civilisation.