Remember to follow the Fizziwhizz Code, little ponies: these flowers never cause harm to any pony… despite Baby North Star being clearly drawn speaking the magic words with a primed rocket-blossom less than a hoof’s breadth from her face.
Notes from the source —
Story Title: The Wonderful Fizziwhizz Flowers
Source: My Little Pony #83 (G1)
Comments: Jeepers creepers, where did you get those peepers, Baby North Star?!
I think I mentioned before my theory that the writers somehow got the <ins>First Tooth Baby Ponies</ins> set–of which Baby North Star is a representative–confused with the <ins>Beddy-Bye Eye Baby Ponies</ins>.
The BBE babies weren’t actually produced in the UK, but I can’t think of any other explanation for the fact that the First Tooth Babies were consistently drawn with a zillion eyelashes and strange eyes.