Applejack’s Rangers of the Maressachusetts Contingent/The Equestrian Commonwealth
(10 years after the Battle of Neighvarro)
Description: Unlike any other contingents of the Steel/Applejack’s Rangers. The Maressachusetts Contingent allows Pegasi (ex-Enclave/Dashite) among their ranks, and for that gain limited knowledge to construct vertibucks and a prototype airship carrier, that was left in a discontinued files, in Neighvarro. They began to build it by using scrap parts of the remaining Enclave airships and intact reactor. Thus forming the first Air Force Division among any other Rangers in the wasteland, allowing air-to-ground support and fast aerial transport.
Red: Field Scribe
Navy Blue: Air Force division (pegasus personnel)
White: Medical Corps
Black: Standard Personnel
Fallout Equestria was written by kkat