Fluttershy: How was your day at school today, my little Ivy?
Flora Ivy: It was really wonderful, Misses Fluttershy~ *The filly smiled up at her mother* Misses Cheerilee let us sit outside while we had class, and even introduced us to the new teacher who would start teaching next year - Mr. Snails.
Fluttershy: Oh, it sounds like you had an exciting day. What do you think of Mr. Snails?
Flora Ivy: He's silly! He told us about how he had a pet snail he would bring in to show us if we wanted him to. And Misses Cheerilee told us we might even get a snail as a class pet! *the filly smiled and raved excitedly about her day* I can't wait to play with the snail.
Fluttershy: That's wonderful, Ivy. *The mare smiled lovingly and walked up to the door of her family's cottage* Your father would love to hear about the snail~ *She spoke as she walked into the cottage to find her husband and Ivy's father in the living room, feeding their young foal* Braeburn, we're home~
Braeburn glances back and smiles as he welcomes his family home. “Welcome home, mah Flutter-bug~”
Flora Ivy: Mr. Braeburn! Mr. Braeburn! *She runs over and hugs his left hoof while the right is feeding the colt*
Braeburn: Honey apple, you know you can call me Dad right? *He smiles and hugs her lovingly*
Flora Ivy: R-Really? You…you wouldn’t get mad if I called you that?
Braeburn: Course not~ You’re mah daughter june bug~
Flora Ivy: *The filly smiled and looked over at Fluttershy, her cheeks a bit flushed*
Fluttershy: You’re part of our family, no matter what happens, my little Ivy. Your mom, dad, and baby brother~
Flora Ivy: O-Okay, Mother~ *She smiled lovingly and hugged her hoof as well*
Flora Ivy had been adopted about a year before and was just recently warming up to her new family, smiling, laughing, playing, especially when Fluttershy had their colt – Silver Star named after Braeburn’s good friend and best man, Sherrif Silver Star. Ivy took a quick love for her baby brother and loves to hold him and love him and cuddle with him. She enjoys feeding him and even singing some of Fluttershy’s lullabies to help him go to sleep. She’s gentle and kind but also loves to play with her daddy – Braeburn. Flora Ivy was adopted from an orphanage in Manehatten where Fluttershy found her and her heart broke for the filly. It wasn’t long before she and her husband adopted the filly and gave her a home and family to call her own. Braeburn could never say no to his “Flutter-bug” so he was more than happy to paint a bedroom pink for her. Braeburn was actually excited to have a daughter. He learned to braid her mane and even practiced telling bed time stories with her and some of the animals from Fluttershy’s clinic. Braeburn is wrapped around her little hoof and wouldn’t have it any other way.