A perfect opportunity to draw Scootaloo for the first time! She’s so awesome, and it’s cute that she looks up to Rainbow Dash like a high-flying hero.
I’m sure you guys remembered some of my MLP FIM cartoon crossovers with Fetch! with Ruff Ruffman, especially the ones where Ruff and the gang visit Ponyville, dressed up as their favorite flyers, The Wonderbolts
So his nephew Glen has just been given a ride on Rainbow Dash for the very first time…he doesn’t really enjoy it on account of he’s never flown at 0-60 per minute, but Ruff encourages him, assuring him that even his first time had been scary but he pulled through and screamed less.
Ruff is ever so confident now, being able to ride on a pegasus such as Rainbow Dash, but what had his first time been like?
You guys remembered my None MLP picture? On the top left corner you see Ruff holding on for dear life unto Rainbow Dash’s tail while she’s zooming at the speed of light.
Well, since I’ve improved in my art, I thought that, besides drawing Scootaloo for the first time, I’d remake that moment and/or memory. It, as Rainbow Dash would call it, has become 20% cooler.
Blossom and Scootaloo will never forget the priceless expression and the girlish scream Ruff had given during his first ever flight.
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic © Lauren Faust
Fetch! with Ruff Ruffman © Kate Taylor