A Few Hours Later The Thundercats and Starfox Earth Decided to hold a bit of a Meeting of sorts in Cat’s Lair’s Conference Room…Trixie: I still can’t believe it Nightmoon…. You risked your own Hide in the Book to Save Amthyst…Rachidna: I had to do it Trixie, I just wouldn’t of felt right leaving Amthyst to Burn to oblivion… And Besides… if Left unchecked in the book who knows what Secrets he could uncover?…Raichu: (Wearing his Voice Collar) Raiiii…. Well it’s a Complete Bust Anyway… We can’t even learn the secrets of that Book…. Not without the Key anyway….Fox: Key? What kind of Key?….Rachidna: The Key of Thundera… It’s about this big- *Gestures the Length of the Key with his hands*Page 1: hectorny.deviantart.com/art/Th…