Clover hesitates for a moment more, closing her eyes.
She has to be brave. She made a promise, and she intends to keep it.
She accepts the book, and the darkness fades as Silverwind relinquishes his grasp.
“Huh, that’s strange. Usually that thing is always all dark and broody, like a stick in the mud.”
Clover takes the book to her chest, holding on to it. Her fear fades as she gazes into Silverwind’s eyes, determined to succeed, no matter what!
“My, what a brave hero you are, slayer of the literary arts!” Silverwind beams, chuckling.
For a brief moment, Clover feels powerful, like she can do anything. Breathing deeply, she lets the feeling go as she sets the book back on the table.
[?] [Main Quest: Patch of Light] added to Clover’s [Quest]s.
Eager to get started, Clover wants to know a bit more about Vee. She heard that she loves hats, should she wear one?
“Actually, I have a few things I wanted to give you… hop on over to your bunk and we’ll get you sorted out, alright?”
Clover retrieved her [Inventory] as the boat approached the shore, the sun breaking the horizon and lighting up the land.
Silverwind smiles as she returns rather quickly, her bag bouncing about on her back.
“Now, the first thing I want to give you, is this scarf. It’s a Smuggler’s Charm. If you wrap the book about in it, most creatures wont be able to find it in your bag, even if they turn it out. Unless, of course, you told them about it.
Silverwind is holding a silver trimmed light green scarf in his hooves. He wraps the book about in the fabric, and sets it on the table.
“Don’t worry. Since you know it’s there, it wont work on you.”
“Next on the list… is this! A bag of coins. Wow, you’re super rich now, am I right?” He smiles, setting a weighty bag of bits next to the book. “There should be about a hundred bits in there. That’s enough to get you started, I bet. If you do somehow manage to break that book, the next time you see me you wont need bits, I’d wager.
Finally, Silverwind pulls a hat out of his bag of tricks. Oh joy! It’s long and pointy, with a purple feather lodged in the strap on top. It’s a proper magical hat, by the looks of it.
“This hat is nothing special. Just wear it when you enter Vee’s shop, and she’ll do the rest.”
How will I find Vee’s shop?
“Someone or something will be waiting for you at the gate at Port. I wont be able to walk you there, and most of my crew will be too busy to help you. Don’t worry, early mornings have more guards about, so you shouldn’t run into any trouble on your way there. And if you can’t find a guide, just get one of the guards to walk you there. Say you’re visiting your aunt or something. They fall for that stuff pretty easily. If they ask about your weapons, the dagger is to protect yourself from baddies and the bow is just a toy. Most guards-except for maybe military trained ones-have no clue what Magic Archery is.”
Finally, Clover’s quest begins, and the bell on the deck rings out as they touch dock.
“Well then… looks like we’re here.”
They both step out onto the deck, the fog fading as the sun glows over the distant mountains. Somewhere out there, is a way to break this cursed tome. And hopefully, she’ll be the one to discover it.
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