Clover makes her way to the second table, where Shanty and Timbers are. She introduces herself, giving them both a wide smile. The pony on the left, which she quickly learned was Shanty, blushed and gave her a rather peculiar look.
“Well hello, little one… aren’t you just adorable? Mmm… I definitely could eat you up.”
Clover tilts her head, unsure. Timbers quickly chips in. “Hey now… hey Clover. I’m Timbers. And this is my marefriend Shanty. It’s nice to meet you!”
“Very nice to meet you… heh. Hey Timber… are you thinking what I’m thinking?”
Timbers is silent for a moment, a similar blush forming on her cheeks.
“You’re terrible. But you know me, Shanty… I-I guess. But I think I’ll sit this one out.”
Shanty turns back to Clover, who just can’t seem to grasp what’s going on.
“Mmm… how about we talk somewhere more private, Patchy? How does that sound? I can show you something wonderful. You’ll love it, I know it. You’re definitely old enough to know~” Shanty winks at her, shifting in her seat.
“Oh Shanty, not on the pillows… they’re soaked!”
Clover is unsure, but nervously asks about their history.
“Y’know, I came with the boat. It’s a bit of a secret where we got this thing, but I joined the crew the moment Silverwind took the wheel. I manage the ship’s repairs, mostly. And believe it or not, Vanhoover is my home town!”
“Hmm… well, little one~ I’ll trade you. I’ll give you my story, if you follow me and do me one small favor.”
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