HOW DO YA LIKE THEM APPLES?!Artist Training Grounds 2016 – day 13, draw a furious pony/draw a pony out of controlso ArterialBlack Applejack has been a bit stressed out lately – he’s she’s bitten off more than she can chew, she has way too much to get done now, and just doesn’t have enough time to do it all. she’s been trying to figure out one of them “schedule” things Twilight’s always talking about, but she just can’t seem to make everything fit in her schedule. out of frustration, she kicks a tree. a very well-shaded tree stump ensues!mlp mylittlepony my little pony newbieartistraininggrounds natg newbie artist training grounds artisttraininggrounds atg atg2016 day 13 thirteen applejack apple jack appletree apple tree wellshadedtreestump