An edit of the map from a few chapters back by an anon to help give an idea of where we currently are. Below is another Q&A by FicFic. -Psker
(Anyone got any questions?)
Again me and others Anons got to ask FicFic questions about the cyoa. Here are some of them:
Link to Q&A 1:>>1080694
Link to Q&A 2:>>1123800
Link to Q&A 3:>>1127049
——Q&A 4——
Anon: Yeah, since it already happened, can we know what would of happened if we would of stayed in our room?
FicFic: You can still find out.
Anon: Would joy let us know more about when she was younger if we asked?
FicFic: Emerald would have to ask her.
Anon: During the first flashback arc when we entered the caves where did the other tunnels lead?
FicFic: You might find out.
Anon: Since you have been doing future Emerald’s from time to time. Could you draw some bad end Emerald’s some time. From some of the bad ends we luckily avoided?
FicFic: Possibly.
Anon: So when do we get to learn more about that second pony that escaped Joy’s box?
FicFic: You might see that pony… Emerald could also ask Joyride about it.
Anon: I think a bunch of us had assumed Joy was the second thing in the box.
Anon: Joy had two captured ponies in her box. They both got away. Joy sounded a bit annoyed when we told her.
FicFic: You might find out who it was. The first one was indeed Gypsy Pone.
Anon: If you could write an episode of mlp or an issue of the comic what would you write about?
FicFic: More worldbuilding. I like worldbuilding.
Anon: What kind of world building? Anything particular?
FicFic: Hmm… I’d have to think on it harder.
Anon: When this cyoa comes to an end (Which I hope won’t be for a very long time.) would you consider doing a sequel or a spin off of this cyoa if there was interest?
FicFic: I was thinking about it, but we’ll see how long this takes.
Anon: How long has this separation plot been planned? Was there another outcome for the battle with the monster?
FicFic: There was. I essentially gave you guys two options. Stay in your room or don’t. You guys took the latter path (which imo, is probably the more fun path so I’m glad you guys took it.)
Anon: Wouldn’t staying in the room resulted in the ship being destroyed by the squid?
FicFic: Perhaps, but perhaps not.
Anon: Who would you have be the endgame Waifu or Husbando if you were just writing a story for yourself? Or hell, multiple choices if you’d rather have that too, i’m not sure how you’d feel about the idea of it personally. Like Having Bo and Hope for example.
FicFic: Hmm… I don’t know. I’m particularly attached to most of my characters, though Hope and Joy are so far my favorites.
Anon: Keep up the good work this story is one of the highlights of my day
FicFic: Thanks.
Anon: What’s happen to Hope you hinted that we would learn soon. Will that still be the case?
FicFic: Yup.
Anon: How far is the straits from the port we were heading to?
FicFic: The strait is pretty close to the town. Like, a day, day and a half.
Anon: Is there a chance Emerald might visit Equestria?
FicFic: Probably not.
Anon: When we are done with the wasps will we be taking a return trip by boat? (With Bo, maybe?)
FicFic: Now now, let’s not get too far ahead of ourselves.
Anon: What is your favorite part of doing these FicFic?
FicFic: Everyone’s reactions.
Anon: What are fetishes you don’t really care for or are a turn off for you?
FicFic: I don’t know if there is anything that I really hate… Anything with poop I guess? There is a lot I don’t understand though. Diapers, inflation, etc etc…
Anon: What’s the best video game you’ve played and the worst?
FicFic: I don’t have a best game, I have best games. As for the worst, Oscar (one big reason is because I got it on a christmas instead of LttP.)
Anon: How much prep work do you do for this cyoa?
FicFic: Both a lot and a little. The thing is I can’t think too far ahead since things never go the way I predict they will.
Anon: Really? Does that get to be annoying when you feel like you can’t guess what people are gonna do?
FicFic: Yes and no. It’s more fun trying to work around it though.
Anon: Do you plan on adding any secondary characters of other races that end up being semi important characters? Characters that have as much importance as Sensoria for example.
FicFic: Possibly, but I don’t want to stray too far from just ponies. There won’t be anything crazy insane like, say… A human.
Anon: I was thinking just like gryphons or maybe a changeling at the most, stuff you’d see in the show.
FicFic: Well, we’ve had one gryphon secondary.
Anon: Is there a future where Emerald grows up to be a male prostitute?
FicFic: Yup. In fact, there was one where he was a sex slave as well.
Anon: Is it a sex slave to the zebras?
FicFic: I should say that there are multiple times Emerald could have been a sex slave. Zebra is/can be one of them.
Anon: What happen to the will and frustration stats? Were they phased out or have we simply hadn’t seen a need for them yet?
FicFic: Yes and no. They’ll come into play again. Emerald just isn’t as frustrated as he was before.
Anon: We ask you tons of questions, is there anything you’d like to ask us?
FicFic: Hmm, nothing i can think of off the top of my head.
FicFic: Time for bed, see ya guys later.
Anon: Gnite, thanks for answering all the questions, and the great story~
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