“Why, Hello There! Welcome to The Joy Of Painting with me, Discord Bob Ross. Glad you could join me today. It’s really a fantastic day here and I hope that is yours wherever you’re in. Let’s start today and have all the colors across the screen that you’ll need to paint along with us, and I thought today that we could do the Sweet Apple Acres Painting that you see that is the family farm belongs to one of my favorite ponies from the Elements of Harmony aka Mane 6, Applejack that is so fantastic. And speaking of Applejack, I will dedicate this painting to her and give to it her as a present for her birthday when I surprise it for her. Anyway, continuing here tell you what I’ve got going up here got my standard 24 inch canvas, and it’s already covered in thin white and it’s ready to go. So, let’s go. Let’s start out today with a touch of a bright blue, just a little. Don’t need too much it’s a very strong color. Just a little. Let’s go up here: go right in here using criss cross strokes with a happy little sky. Just like so, little more color. And I’ve started at the horizon and wanted to lighter and lighter toward the top. There. But just use little X’s. Little X’s. Like so. There we go. And in this corner here: don’t want it left out. And that’s about all you need right now. Let’s have a little light green down at the bottom being grass. By using nice horizontal strokes. There we are. Takes about a long time to put it together. Now, by taking our brush and getting a little touch of blue and white mixed in there together. What the heck. Don’t need a lot of color though, just a little. Let’s go right up here and add some happy little clouds floating around in the sky. There. Just wherever you want. Clouds are very, very free. And then sometimes add a little titanium yellow and add a little dark brighter area making the painting little sparkle appear. There. Makes you feel good. And that’s about it for the sky. Kinda imaging my friend Rainbow Dash up maintaining the weather and clearing the skies of Ponyville that simple. There. Now, let’s add some trees in here, and you know me, I gotta put in big trees. Speaking of trees: my friend Fluttershy loves to be a tree sometimes. And that she like to make herself like a birch tree, isn’t that sneaky? Heh. Ha. It’s gorgeous. Don’t tell that to my friend Fluttershy. And that she’s my favorite pony on the show. Anyway here we go adding apple trees in here for sweet apple acres. And you see, I was at sweet apple acres and I end up turning the trees in the most oh so soft, oh so soft I freakin’ love it! There’s nothing wrong with having a tree as a friend. Trees cover up a multitude of sins. Try to imagine that you are a tree. How do you want to look out here? There. And then add a little dots for the apples. And then last, maybe in our world back here let’s have a little barn that lives back here and I’m gonna take and pick out a basic shape and scrape off the excess paint and add it there for a good time. And now taking the knife, eef, we will have a barn. Down Shwooop. Hehe. You have to make those little noises, or it just doesn’t work. Blocking in color there, don’t worry about it. There. And here, we need a front on our barn so we will just drop that in. Shwooop. And the sides. Also, on the side maybe it has a little shed on the side it comes along with it. And I can see that in my mind. And that’s all really you have to do, visualizing things and off you go. And that’s okay. And that’s all it fills in with a red color.
From all of us here I’d like to wish you happy painting…and God bless my friend.”