Uploaded by Anonymous #64B1
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![Size: 1500x1650 | Tagged: safe, artist:lemon, derpibooru import, tianhuo, velvet reindeer, oc, bear, bull, camel, cow, deer, diamond dog, dragon, ghost, hybrid, longma, panda, pig, reindeer, rhinoceros, undead, yak, them's fightin' herds, bruised, burnt, chef's hat, chinatown, cloven hooves, community related, crying, epic, female, fight, fire, flying, hat, king of fighters, kyo kusanagi, mane of fire, smoke, tears of joy, toasted, udder](https://cdn.twibooru.org/img/2020/7/23/1949883/medium.png)
Mou oyasumi kai?
Tbh, I dont think Tianhuo is that of an ass in personality, but she is fiery indeed.
A TFH fan draw that starts out a simple referrence then grew and grew until I’ve just finished it.
PS: In the near future there is a large possibility that I might take in/accept commissions from you guys and others that find interest in my draw. I just need to fix my stuff and myself so things can go rollin aye. Stay tuned. ^
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