My favourite character, Gallus, representing the nations of Vozolaz and their descendants. Many of the Vozonid nations use the gryphon as their sacred symbol.
Sarmelonid Empire – the founder of the Vozonid civilisation, he also used alien technology to expand his rule beyond the stars. He is also a devout worshipper of the four-headed god Pjosaroz.
Josol – a republic located to the east of Vozolaz, near the sacred peak of Mandil. Known for being influenced by Sarmelon’s classical culture and arts.
New Irajon – founded by exiles, this splinter state of Burrow-cities also consider itself to be classical.
Azgo – the closest descendant to the Sarmelonid Empire, it is nonetheless an impoverished country where gangsters and drunks run rampant.
Irajon – the closest equivalent to the Sarmelonids’ society and civilisation. It also has an alcoholism problem.
Eat Azgo – the remnants of Azgo’s former monarchy, now seeking revenge against its enemies to reunify all of Vozolaz under its crown.
Wannaenid Empire – a nation of exiles in the far west who desires to take over the world. It is also hot-tempered, enraged against anything that creates difficulty, such as other nations or the gods.
Arantar – a nation in the West known for its advanced technology and its strong dislike of aliens. Proud and militaristic.
Porashon – a strange republic to the south populated by plant-like people and their human friends. Unlike most Vozonids, Porashon worships additional deities from another land, such as Shiva and Parvati. For its people’s good deeds and its strong devotion to the gods, they are blessed and protected from harm. Porashon also possesses high-tech.
Turodaron – a relaxed nation to the south that has become corrupted by materialism and pleasure.
Gornystar – a small republic to the north near the Gimbarsian (Not!Egypt) border. Its people have converted to the Gimbarsian religion, and their devotion to the solar creator god Aten motivates them to be righteous and helpful.
Vovtarla – a former colony of Sarmelon that has become heavily-influenced by its coloniser’s culture. It loves gold, calligraphy, archery, and horses.
Makhandron – a city-state to the east of Arantar that prefers to be left alone from the surrounding political turmoil.