Such a clean machine… Yeah, Rogerina prefers dating cars to humans. Plz Don’t judge her for it, otherwise she will be sad and lock herself in a cupboard.
“Title and Concept inspired by this song : www.youtube.com/watch?v=oaEM4J…
Base used by :iconlynnqueenofsports: (lynnqueenofsports)
Base used : www.deviantart.com/lynnqueenof…
Base used (dream time) by :iconcrystal-cutie-123: (crystal-cutie-123)
Base used (dream time) : www.deviantart.com/crystal-cut…”:https://www.deviantart.com/grapefruitface1/art/The-Machine-of-Her-Dream-Rogerina-MLP-EG-847128192
I no longer accept any requests, sorry
Based on Queen