I just made an updated version of the dark side of Starlight Glimmer because I honestly didn’t like the old version.
So I just decided to make a new version. I hope you guys enjoy this.
After being stripped of her magic and Cutie Mark, Emperor Grogar orders the former Changeling Queen to dispose of the unicorn. Queen Chrysalis finally gets her revenge on Starlight Glimmer by cocooning her before torturing her with her evil magic. Then Starlight begs Queen Chrysalis to show some mercy and reform before Lord Tirek steps in and uses his Rainbow of Darkness to transform Starlight Glimmer into an evil unicorn named Darkmatter Nebula. Queen Chrysalis is angry as to why Tirek turned Starlight Glimmer into a demon instead of destroying her and Tirek explains to her that he corrupted the unicorn so that she can be used to kill and destroy our heroes and they would have no choice but to kill her to get to the Bell of Freedom and destroy Emperor Grogar.
Starlight Glimmer @ MLP:FiM/Hasbro