Compass Rose is the daughter of the famed author “A.K. Yearling”, aka Derring Do, and feared Equestrian crime boss Dr. Caballeron. Despite the two’s deep routed love of adventuring, temples, and the occasional treasure (however dealt with) Compass just… doesn’t feel the same towards such things. Her love is that of study, myths and lore of the ancient city they live in.
Compass is the librarian and known protector of the Yearling Library and Museum. She loves to marvel at all the ancient scrolls and texts that litter the shelves of the library, and enjoys to her hearts content to view each temple treasure that her mother had placed in the museum before ultimately hanging her hat up forever.
Though Compass loves the ancient writings and studying old lost languages, she does of course enjoy a good cheesy novel here and there. She Has read her mothers books at a very young age and speed read them at an alarming pace. Though she used to love each story of the ancient temples and such, she’s grown critical when growing up, her unfiltered words often stinging her mother’s soul.
Also, despite Derring Do and Caballeron’s love of the jungle and everything in it, Compass… could not hate it more. Ever since she was small she couldn’t help being scared of every living and non living thing. Even to this day she still cowers at the sound of thunder and the bright flashes that accompany it. This… baffles her parents to no end but try to support her however possible.
Compass also has the inability to fly. She, despite her parent’s best influences to try teaching her, she just… never truly learned on account her fear of heights and clumsy nature. Though she says good riddance. What’s the use of flying when all her ability stems from that of information found on the ground??
Though Compass is plagued with fear for the jungle, she does have plans to head into it for research purposes. Though to her parents rejecting the idea of disturbing the temples they had long disrupted, Compass insists she has no interest in harming any treasure in the ruins, but rather wants to study the markings on the temple walls. That is, of course, after she learns to get over her fears.
Have some MAJOR Compass dump. This took a bit but was fun to work on! I have wanted to get into her story but my fixation focused on other characters… oops.