I absolutely love how she came out. I don’t have that much about her, I’ve been so busy with school and work that I haven’t laid down exactly who she is but I’ll write what I have.
Dream Catcher
A young filly who was sacrificed for fame and fortune. Dream Catcher is a now a minion for the king of the underworld. Her task is to secretly take souls from the ponies above and to bring them to the underworld. It’s not as simple as it looks like. Dream Catcher has no power to simply just take the souls. These souls must agree to be taken! Dream Catcher has struggled in the past to take souls but as time went by, she figured something out that just simplifies the process. Dream Catcher has power to spiritually access ponies, so to take it as secretive as possible, she haunts ponies’ dreams. She will appear in a scenario of the dream and catches the attention of the dreamer. She will befriend these ponies and tell them lies about a better world, a better life when they wake up, mentioning that something must be done to their soul before it happens. She is very patient and will haunt them until they agree, unless something alternative is done to remove her from their spirits and to block her from accessing their dreams. No pony has any clue on who this Dream Catcher is. All they know is when she visits, shortly after, ponies die.
Dream Catcher continues to take souls from ponies and will never stop. A particular pony had spent their lives trying to find out who this Dream Catcher is and after many years, they got a visit from her. This pony felt the temptation to give themselves away but fought to keep themselves. This pony woke up and after researching found exactly what this pony was. They made reports, spreading the word out for every pony to know what was happening. This has slowed Dream Catcher down since the majority of the population was aware. Though they knew, they were still not protected from her persuasion.
Dream Catcher is no different from ponies, just has an occupation that’s very unique and terrible. She can be seen in physical form, but she usually likes to hide and haunt dreams, since their is no interruption of any kind. It’s just her and the dreamer. When ponies had the chance to have a full conversation with her, she comes across as a very nice mare. But it’s just a facade. All she cares is to please her master and that’s it. She does have a partner that has a similar job. They like to consider themselves sisters, since both were sent to the underworld at the same time. They’re not related in any way, but they like to think so. Dream Catcher likes to act like she’s a leader and treats everything like a competition against her sister. She tends to be a bit bossy and dominant. Dream Catcher absolutely hates losing. If she loses a soul, she will have a rage fit. Her victims are mainly colts, just her preference and to her, they’re an easy target.
Oohohoohohohohoh! I might just create an underworld universe and have a system of demon ponies and how it all works and all the fun stuff. In fact, I have classes today … Maybe I’ll just think of the basics while in class ehehehehheheheheh.
I will have more for this oc soon.