Ocellus: Oh Shush! I can imagine cuteness.
Smolder: No. You can’t.
Yona: [*pawing through inbox*] Now mentioned, lots of notes about romance. Ponies so focused on it.
Sandbar: Well It did pretty much save Equestria about as many times as the Elements of Harmony have…
Gallus: That’s a point. ‘Cell, how come you changelings got bounced away by a love-barrier when you eat the stuff?
Ocellus: [*frowns*] First, I wasn’t there. I was just a littleling. Second, you drink water don’t you?
Gallus: Well duh…
Ocellus: And you can also drown. Same principle.
Smolder: Wow… dark… I’m proud of you ‘Celly.
Silverstream: Don’t worry Gally! I won’t let you drown! I’ll turn you into something with my necklace!
Sandbar: Pleasebeacatfishpleasebeacatfish….