The USS Sunset Shimmer’s main engineering room. There’s the geode core that lets the ship travel beyond warp 10.
You may have heard of the warp core breach. All Federation starships are powered by warp core. The _Sunset Shimmer_-class starship is powered by a geode core. The geode core breach is slightly different from a normal warp core breach.
Here’s the scenario.
5 minutes until breach
First, the coolant leaks, along with magic stabilizers malfunctioning. Everyone has to leave engineering in less than 1 minute.
4 minutes until breach: magic sparkles leak from the chamber. Anyone exposed to these sparkles will painfully grow pony ears and wings. This will prove fatal to some.
3 minutes until breach: The geode magic mixes with deuterium, eating away the antimatter containment barrier. The saucer abandons the secondary hull by this point.
(Let’s keep the saucer in this case)
2 minutes until breach: The geode core starts glowing brightly slowly. This is a result of the magical energy (now with deuterium) beginning to mix with the matter/antimatter energy.
A Starfleet officer won’t be able to see the final moments by this point (it’ll be too bright. By then, he/she will be ponied up due to not evacuating in step 2.)
1 minute-breach begins: Because of the magic-antimatter mix, the core subsequently starts to overheat rapidly due to heat generated from the mix. The chamber starts melting away. By this point, the mix reaches its ignition temperature, unleahing a powerful explosion (strong enough to obliterate 5 planets at once), which destroys the Sunset Shimmer.