This was inspired by some ideas based on Equestria Girls: a race of living dolls, doomed to become cannibalistic savages.
Here, Sandalwood is a Porasonid scientist, studying a captured wild Ontemazei who happens to look like a pitiful version of himself. The wild Ontemazei was a former soldier of the Ontemazei Empire, driven to insanity from his rage and his mutation into a plant monster that drinks human blood. However, Sandalwood is a level-headed student who examines captured wildlings, reconditions their minds, and teaches them to live like proper people again.
Porashon was founded by Ontemazei who rebelled against their monstrous empire: it retained much of the Green Years’ advanced technology, making it way ahead of its neighbours who rebuilt their technology from scrap. Many Porasonids worship the titan king Ravana, to make fun of their enemies calling them “monsters” for being Ontemazei. At first, it was supported only by human outlaws who helped them fight the Ontemazei Empire’s legions: now it has earned some allies from certain human nations.