What if the roles reversed?
What if the past had been different?
What if the sun became jealous of the moon?
This is leading into an animation I’m going to attempt. (Don’t expect anything near the quality you’ve seen out of other Bronies, I’m a total Flash noob.) It is about Celly(Celestia) and Lunaris(Luna) in their youth, where instead of Luna turning into Nightmare Moon, Celestia turns into Solar Flare. Basically the story is the same, but Celestia becomes jealous of their citizens loving the beauty of the night and working through her day.
Yes, I changed the designs and names. Part of the story is that Lunaris is close to the ponies she rules, and more down to earth and relatable to than her elder sister. Celly is more high-and-mighty towards the citizens. The names… I just like how Lunaris sounds. And I think its unfair how Celestia sounds so awesome and Luna is just so… I dunno. Not royal like, I guess. :shrug: So Celly and Lunaris it is.
In the picture: The sun is setting and the moon and stars are coming out. Celestia already has the seeds of what will become Solar Flare planted.
Yup yup.