Here she is the finest flanks in all Equestria. Known to many as the best ruler to ever grace the land comprised of all 4 of the alicorn princesses. All of that magic was just too much to be contained in a single horn and must have accumulated in that fine rear of hers (as she tells her close friends) we all know its a result of too many midnight trips to the cake pantry. Queen Galaxia receives love wherever she walks, radiating authority and grace but still just being a normal pony in her eyes being able to relate to all manner of classes and race of pony and creature.
You’d be hard pressed to fine a pony as hardworking as this girl dedicating her whole life to the kingdom, it pains her so however, when she is separated from her little Colt/Human prince Tommy for too long because of her royal commitments but at least she has grandma and grandpa Earthing Elements and Aerial Agriculture respectively to ensure he is safe and his every need is best as well as auntie Mythic Majestic being ever eager to take the little colt for a few days at a time, oh of course then you have CandyClumsy and and myself who have grown so fond of the little banana that we see him as our little brother.
All this is well and good but momma just wants to come home and snuggle her little prince with hubby King Speedy of course.