Lights Blaze
Gender: Nonbinary
Sexuality: Hetero/Polygamous
Age: 21
Special talent: Flight tricks
Nicknames: Light, LB, Water(by Mars)
Special somepony: [none]
Parents: Rainbow Dash and Soarin’
Likes: showing off, the wonderbolts, Mars, the outdoors, mythology
Small Bio:
Being Dash’s son, Light aquired his mothers adoration of the wonderbolts early on and strived to get in like she did. He would train with his brother and feel as if any time he flew with one of his peers it was a competition, even making a strong friendship with Enchanted Pearl because of this, but it never happened with Mars. She couldn’t give any cares about the white pegasus, so he just wanted to impress her to finally get her to care. So he tried. And tried. And tried, stumbling his way into a big doofy crush on her in his teen years, daydreaming about Mars whenever they were apart. He got teased by many (including his shy brother) when he would zone out, looking out into the ether, just thinking about the astral mare. His crush got more doofy as she began to tease him and he got into the wonderbolts academy.