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![Size: 904x1080 | Tagged: safe, artist:kindny-chan, derpibooru import, aria blaze, moondancer (g1), human, pony, unicorn, six fanarts, equestria girls, rainbow rocks, beanie, beard, bust, chef's hat, chest fluff, chloe price, cigarette, facial hair, female, fire, glasses, hat, life is strange, mare, markiplier, puss in boots, ruby rose, rwby, shrek](https://cdn.twibooru.org/img/2020/7/20/1894062/medium.jpeg)
Originally posted on: May 7, 2020
Finally finished it, it took me two weeks <sup>//</sup>“
Actually no, was too busy about school :meow:It was a nice experience, especially at drawing humans, never really draw them~ :happybounce:
Probably will draw it a bit more often someday, who knows :meow:
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