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“C’mon, dad. Hold the camera steady.” Rainbow said as she knelt in front of her naked mom.
“I’m trying, sweetie. But it’s hard to hold this thing with only one hand.” Bow said, his hand gripping his cock tightly. Rainbow rolled her eyes before gently pulling the camera, and her father, closer.
“Hi, everypony.” Rainbow said, looking into the camera lens. “Today, I’m starting up a new challenge for you: the Mommy Motorboat Challenge! All you’ll need is your mom.” Bow moves the camera closer to Windy. “Say hi to all my followers, mom!”
“Hi, everypony!” The mature mare says, smiling gleefully. “I’m so excited! My daughter is the absolute best and I’m honored to be the first in her new challenge!” The camera pulls back, showing both mother and daughter in frame.
“Once you have your mom, preferably naked, just take your face and go motorboating! And also, don’t forget to nominate your friends. I nominate Twilight Sparkle to do the Mommy Motorboat Challenge.” Rainbow pulls the camera closer to her face. “You and your brother better not chicken out.”
And the winner of the series vote last week, The Mommy Motorboat Challenge. Starting today, and continuing through the months of May and June, a new image will be posted in this series daily. This series is expected to have 61 images in total, covering a variety of different families and fetishes. So sit back, relax, and enjoy some good ol’ fashioned <del>degeneracy</del> family bonding.