Originally posted on: August 17, 2019
Was awesome vacation to the US with my big sis Aphilien, whom I ended up illustrating through her Fat Little Platypus character upon her request, whom I like to call Little Platty.So, here’s the collection of daily doodles that feature Little Platty, during our adventures in the big US.
Some inside jokes about teabags, my sister’s addiction to ketchup, shenanigans when the wheels on my suitcase broke, our love for Harry Potter when visiting Universal Studios, my sunburn disadventures, our fun with the greatest ocean experience yet on Bahamas and my sister’s need to bath her feet even if she has to use the bathroom sink to do it!
Oh yeah, and that trip up into the giant Ferris wheel in Orlando where I had to spend the whole ride with my head down in my sister’s backpack because of miscalculations of my fear of heights.Good times! Enjoy!
Little Platty © aphilien
Puffy © Me