Request for MajinFreeCell
Trixie continued her travel around the equestria, in Manehattan she decided to have a drink at the bar.
Sadly, when she found the bar it had no free place so, she had to leave her wagon further from it.
She got to the bar and ordered a light drink, while drinking a huge need to poop stroke her.
Annoyed trixie asked the bartender where’s the restroom, he told her it’s upstairs on her right, and she dashed to the restroom.
Inside the mares restroom, she tried to open the stall, but it was locked. She demanded the mare inside to finish quickly and luckily after a minute the mare finished, and trixie jumped into the stall.
She sat on the toilet and before she started, she waited for the mare to leave the restroom.
The mare finished washing her hooves and left the restroom, and so Trixie realised the poop.
She wanted to finish pooping quickly so she was pushing really hard, first log dropped but of course there was more, so she was pushing harder. She grabbed the toilet and continued to push more.
After 15 minutes she was done, she grabbed toilet paper, wiped her butt, flushed the toilet, washed her hooves and left the bar.