Name: Paradox
Parents: Twilight Sparkle & Discord
Species: Draconequus/alicorn hybrid
Bio: Paradox is often referred to as “Discord’s little chaos spawn” or something similar. She fits the nickname well, as she is very much like her father in more ways than one. Paradox is a very mischievous draconequus, longing to wreak havoc among the pony kind whenever she gets the chance. She can be a bit of an annoyance to ponies because of this.
Ever since Paradox was just a little pup, she always had a fascination with chaos and magic. Discord was delighted by this, and taught her as much as he could. When her father left her mother and Paradox when she was just eight, the young draconequus grew very sad, angry and confused. She got along very well with her father, and when he just dissapeared out of the blue, it was like losing her other half. This made Paradox start to feel like maybe he was angry at her for not being as chaotic as he’d liked, and that’s why he didn’t care to talk to her anymore. Because of this, Paradox took it upon herself to try and learn as many spells as she can, in hopes of maybe impressing her father and getting him to come back. Though Twilight would try to tell her that it wasn’t her fault Discord left, Paradox could never fully believe her. So, everyday, she would practice using magic in her room for hours on end, not letting anything or anyone take her mind off of it until she felt she was done for the day. Twiliight and Paradox were never really close like her and her dad were, and while Twilight tried to get that mother-daughter bond that all of her other friends had with their daughters, Paradox was too distracted with her hopes in trying to get her father to come back home to really care for anything Twilight was trying to do with her. This caused them to be pretty distant from eachother. After a while, Paradox realized that it didn’t matter how many spells she knew. Her father wasn’t coming back. Afterwards, the hours she spent in her room shortened until she simply stopped altogether.
At this point, Paradox felt more alone than she ever had. She had no friends, no parent to look up to, and nobody to talk to. The ponies at her mother’s school of magic would always shoot her dirty looks, and it seemed like she was the only one who noticed. This sadness soon turned to anger, and Paradox found herself fooling around with the teachers, her classmates, and just the school in general. This brought her happiness and joy that she thought was long gone, and this became a regular. At some point in time, Paradox ended up getting suspended for putting rotten fish in a student’s bag, and she got a big scolding from Twilight. This made her feel bad at first, but when her suspension was over and she got back in school, she started doing it all over again.
Twilight always wanted Paradox to be a nice and kind princess, who would rule equestria one day, just like her. Paradox, on the other hand, could care less about being a princess. This caused many arguements to spark up between the two. Twilight would bring up how Paradox was being ungrateful, and how any other mare would be over the moon with excitement to become a princess. Paradox would tell Twilight that she can’t make decisions for her, and that Paradox would go any path she desires. While Paradox secretly liked the idea of being worshipped umong the pony kind, she didn’t like all of the other responsibilities that came with it. Besides, ruling Equestria meant she would actually have to care about Equestria, and that she simply could not take.
After a while of the constant yelling and arguing, Twilight understood that she could never get her daughter to be the perfect one she had desired for so long. This saddened her a bit, and for a whille, Twilight thought it was due to her and her daughter being so distanced from eachother that Paradox didn’t want to be a princess.
Now, Paradox lives with her pet jackalope, Pepper, in a secret room she built underneath the canterlot castle. She still goes around pranking the ponies of Canterlot, and has a grand time doing so. As a hobby, she likes to see all the different kinds of foods she can make. And this doesn’t mean just snapping up a food dish, this means actually making it all from scratch. She is actually pretty proud of her cooking abilities, and secretly wants to open up her own little shop in a small town one day.
-She has a big pile of cookbooks in her room. Like. Humongous. Almost as tall as her.
-Paradox inherited a small bit of immortality, but not enough to make her immortal. She looks quite young, and she suspects she’ll live until she’s about 300 years old.
-She can transform into different things and objects. When she was younger, she made up a pony version of herself that she sometimes uses when she wants to blend in a bit better.
-Paradox first became the owner of Pepper when her step-mom, Fluttershy, found an abandonded baby jackalope behind the castle and decided to show him to Paradox. Paradox fell in love instantly.