Originally posted on: May 14, 2013
I’ve realized a few things. 1) I will likel never have a set price pony sheet. I just can’t account for how extremely variable the amounts people are willing to pa for each design. and 2) I was never going to color all of these mself.So here’s the thing – all these pon lineworks have been sitting around in my folder forever and ever, and the need to go, because I will never pick out all the colors for these mself. They were several different sets but eeeh. There’s no way I’m making 30 ‘offer here’ comments, so here’s what I want you to do.
SPECIFY THE NUMBER OF THE PONY, AND WHAT YOU ARE OFFERING FOR THEM. None of this, ‘can i have x’ or ‘how much for y?’ stuff. Those comments will be ignored. I also do not accept ‘art slave’ offers. However I will accept design trades, art, cash, and points. Especially cash right now. Ponies will be added to the pony to-do list to be colored, IN THE ORDER IN WHICH THE ARE BOUGHT. If I particularly like your art/really want a custom or some such from you, I might do multiple ponies for it but that is rare. Anyhow, OFFER AWA FOLKS.
Do not offer less than 100p/$1.00
AB is $20