Line «Draft Horse 2020”
Line contains:
horse’s body (1) + shade
penis (1) + shade
horns (2) + shade
tails (5) + shade
manes (8) + shade
bangs (forelock) (8) + shade
fur on the muzzle (1) + shade
moustache (1)
ring in the nose (1)
feather (1)
Indian string (1) + shade
rope on the neck (1) + shade
dwarf Karl with his rope (rope is detaching)
“terminator” overlay (1)
front view (1)
small draft for the pallete (1)
eye + shade
backgrounds (3)
slots: unlimited
Terms for use:
Create adopts for yourself and to order.
Sell adopts on this line for any price.
Make changes to the line and add your own details, change the background.
- You CANNOT erase the signature of the author of the line (you can change the font, but the signature must be readable and it must be visible against the General background).
You CANNOT confer the authorships of this line for yourself.
You CANNOT post this line for open access.
You CANNOT sell or give this line. There is a list for all who bought this line.
You CANNOT use the line from the second page.
You CANNOT use this line like a base for species.
You CANNOT transfer the line’s details for other lines.
You CANNOT sell dwarf Karl as a separate character.
! If you violate the rules, you lose the right to use the line and go to the ban.
! You MUST include a link to my DA profile in the sale post.
Format: sai or psd.
Image size: 3400*1720 pixels
IMPORTANT! Make sure that the specified file formats are suitable for you and that you really intend to buy them. After transferring files on your e-mail, the amount paid for the line is not refunded.
12 $ (USD)
Payment: paypal