A birthday gift for Lopoddity hopefully your birthday wasn’t miserable with everything going on in the world right now.
So now for some explanation! Helios (the red maned unicorn in the first panel) has powerful magic that can tear open portals to other dimensions. He can’t control his magic well, so he usually just doesn’t use it. But in THIS case, at least in the context of these panels, Helios lost control and ended up opening a portal to the Pandoraverse, where a handful of ponies were pulled through and the portal closed behind them.
So in the first panel, Moondancer and Daybreak are conducting studies on Helios’s magic, trying to figure out a way to control his magic well enough to reopen the portal to let the Pandoraverse crew go back to their own world…. whether Moondancer agreed to help study Helios’s magic just to get back or whether he has ulterior motives… only he knows.
And in the second panel, we have Vogue talking with Cupid and getting a little bit of relationship advice. Considering she has a bit of a complicated relationship with her girlfriend Phoenix. Cupid’s talent as a matchmaker makes him a very good pony to go to if you need any kind of romantic advice.
I might do more pieces from this hypothetical crossover? But only if people are interested in it.
Obviously this is not canon to either Pandoraverse or Clayverse! This is drawn just for fun.