One day during summer vacation, Scootaloo decides to go to an afternoon screening of the newly-released Daring Do movie at the Canterlot Mall theater. She invited Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle to join her (perhaps making it another meeting of the Canterlot Movie Club), but although they decline (stating they have plans for the day), Scootaloo still chooses to wear her Daring Do costume just for fun. However, as she hangs around in the theater lobby, waiting to be let in to the screening room, the purple-haired girl is unexpectedly approached by a perky young woman who states that she is from the International Explorer’s Guild, an organization who travels the world in search of adventure, valuable treasures, and exotic animals. Scootaloo is amazed by the woman’s description, but when she asks if Scootaloo would be interested in joining the Guild herself, the young tomboy politely declines the offer, stating that she isn’t ready to leave her family and friends behind to go travel the world with a bunch of strangers. The woman is not offended by Scootaloo’s response, though, and prepares to leave, but first opts to leave the orange-skinned girl with a ‘parting gift’: A necklace with a blue diamond-shaped gem, which the woman claims she found in a mine in South Africa. Accepting the (admittedly beautiful) gift, Scootaloo thanks the woman and places the necklace around her neck. However, what she doesn’t know is that the type of gem used in the necklace actually has magical, mind-controlling properties and has been used by the Guild many times in the past in order to acquire new members….
Once Scootaloo finishes putting on the necklace, she instantly falls under its spell, as evidenced by her normally violet eyes turning the same shade of blue as the gem. Now filled with an intense desire to reconsider her earlier choice, Scootaloo (now sporting a smile on her face) looks up at the woman and says that she’s changed her mind and would be honored to be a part of the Guild, asking where her first exploration is going to be. The woman is delighted by this, but tells the brainwashed tomboy that before she can start exploring the world, she first needs to head home and pack up her belongings to be taken to the Guild’s headquarters in England, where all Guild members reside. Scootaloo isn’t bothered by this, though, and mentions that her aunts (whom she lives with) are out running errands all day, which will leave her with plenty of time to pack up all of her possessions. With that, Scootaloo takes the woman’s hand and allows herself to be led out of the theater, internally bursting with excitement to begin her new life as a (unknowingly bewitched) globetrotting adventurer………