Twilight Sparkle was running a race in Canterlot, so she put on a sports outfit of Rarity’s design. She was so excited to run the race that she forgot to use the bathroom before she left, and the train bathroom was out of order. Twilight fidgeted in her seat, for she really needed to go, and to make matters worse, the train stalled for a bit before arrival at Canterlot, and as a result Twilight had no time to use the bathroom before the race. In her desperation she ran so fast that she won, feeling waves of pee sloshing inside her. Princess Celestia congratulated her on her victory, but as Twilight turned around to find a bathroom, she couldn’t hold it anymore and peed like a race horse in her shorts. Naturally she was embarrassed about her accident, but Celestia told her it was quite all right and helped her clean up.
In response to demand for more pony wetting pics, since most of the wetting ones are Equestria Girls. Also this is my first time drawing a stream splashing into a puddle.