Meet Lightning Skies and Rainy Skies :3
They are the oldest twin daughters, of Thunderlane and Open Skies ;3
Both of them are very athletic and sporty, and both like to make sure that their bodies are in tip-top condition. They are members of two of the most elite flying groups in Equestria; The Shadowbolts (Lightning Skies) and The Wonderbolts (Rainy Skies). Despite them being in two different teams, they both have enough trust in eachother to allow the other to take their place for any shows or stunts, in-case one of them is sick or injured or something.
Lightning is the more brash of the two. She often does a lot of risky moves and stunts, and so she often ends up getting injured the most out of the two, but she is know for still carrying on despite her injuries. Also prefers doing more physical means of exercising, like weight lifting and boxing.
Rainy is the more calm and mellow of the two. She is more focused on doing a lot of finesse and flashy stunt work. She prefers doing things like jogging and yoga, and other more calmer activities to help her relax.
Both of them are also bisexual and single too :3
(Lightning has a preference towards mares, while Rainy has a preference towards stallions)