After leaving Equestria to plan her revenge on her former teacher, Celestia, Sunset would soon face trials and tribulations after coming to terms with her past.
Despite having her plan for world domination via high school students fail, Sunset was forgiven by her now very tight nit group of friends. As she thinks back on her plan, she realizes she wasn’t all that solid with the idea… After all, even if SHE had immense power, how on earth was she going to get human beings through a portal to a world where most of them couldn’t learn how to walk let alone control anyone?
High school was a rough time after that. Even though there were other magical entities that would come into the picture, she never truly got over the whole “enslavement” label. Sunset always fears returning to that state of mind due to this. What if she wasn’t truly over it? obviously she had something in her that wanted power? what if it was still there? She also worried that her friends would realize that being friends with a person who tried to enslave the high school wasn’t a good idea.
She grew clingy and anxious due to this. She never understood what it meant to have friends before and she always worried whether or not she was doing things correctly. Was she too personal? Did she talk too much or too little? Needless to say, Sunset was, and still is, very anxious about friendship. She always seemed to rely on twilight so much and when she became the star studded student turned successor to Princess Celestia, she worried that her mentor was moving away. How would she know what to do at a certain magical event? what would happen if her anxieties got the best of her? … What if she turned back into that… thing?
Despite her fears, Sunset had the loyalty of her friends, a support system she had never had before. Seeing as she wasn’t so used to these things, she often pushed away from them at first, though eventually accepted their help when it came down to it. With Twilight’s help growing less and less over the years as she took on her duties as princess of Equestria and Friendship, Sunset had to rely on her friends much more to solve issues.
Sunset has a very deep rooted issue of self doubt, something she’s fighting to this day, but with her friends its dimmed down as the years go by. The consequences of moving to a different dimension weighs on her sometimes, wondering whether or not her family truly misses her or just gave up after a while. Even with her relationship with Celestia healed slightly, she still wonders whether or not deep down she still has a hatred towards her.
Though, through years of counseling and… confusing therapy, Sunset would eventually move on, finding peace with her past and trying to move past her fears, though it proves difficult.
GOSH you do not understand how much i love this fictional non-horse. Her design, her confusing story, her overarching reliability??? I can’t get enough.
Though I haven’t had the time to watch the latest installments of the sunbutt saga, I whole-heartedly intend to on break. I’ve wanted to cover her for a while, but my own doubts of drawing humans got the best of me. When practicing drawing her it kind of felt therapeutic. After all, I always pictured Sunset with some overarching issues she needed to overcome, and drawing someone like that kind of makes me feel less alone in a way.
Sappiness aside!!!
My headcanons on sunbutt certainly do not end here. Her relationships with the mirror six certainly interest me, especially with mirror Twilight. You’ll here about that one soon enough!
But for now, i hope you enjoy some of these sketches. I was just too excited to get this out!! I wish I could have had the time to work on them a bit more but hey! we must accept we’r not all perfect after all