As part of an assignment for the hypnosis unit in her psychology class, Sunset Shimmer is tasked with partnering up with one of her friends outside the class, who she will then place under hypnosis, briefly give a post-hypnotic suggestion or trigger, then wake them back up and write an essay on how they reacted to the hypnosis. After discussing the matter with the Rainbooms during lunch, Sunset ends up getting paired with Fluttershy, who is curious on what it’s like to be hypnotized. The fiery-haired girl is thankful for this and assures her shy friend that she won’t make her do anything embarrassing while she’s under hypnosis and that anything that happens will stay between just the two of them, which helps to relive most of Fluttershy’s usual nerves. The two agree to meet up in the forest area behind the school at the end of the day, though Sunset ends up arriving first as Fluttershy got held up in her last class. Not bothered by this, the orange-skinned girl takes the time to read over her hypnosis textbook in order to get inspired for a trigger or suggestion to give Fluttershy. Eventually, she picks one that she knows even Fluttershy is going to get a chuckle out of. Eventually, the yellow-skinned girl does arrive and apologizes for being late before setting down her backpack and taking a seat on a nearby log where Sunset had set her textbook. Once her friend is fully ready, Sunset takes out a silver pocket watch and starts swinging it back and forth in front of Fluttershy’s eyes, guiding her into a deep trance. As Sunset continues the induction, Fluttershy (with her gaze now locked on the watch) allows her body to completely relax as her mind grows blanker and blanker, not wanting to do anything but listen to her friend’s soothing voice. Eventually, Sunset starts counting backwards from 10 and when she hits ‘0’, Fluttershy suddenly slips into a deep, hypnotized sleep, her eyes locking shut as her head slumps to her chest….
After putting the pink-haired girl to sleep, Sunset stows the watch in her pocket and (in a calming voice) tells Fluttershy that while she is hypnotized, she naturally feels compelled to do whatever she told. After the hypnotized animal-lover agrees to this, Sunset gives her friend a trigger that will return her to her current, sleeping state whenever it’s time for a new trigger or command. After that, the fiery-haired girl tells Fluttershy that when she wakes up, she will be unable to recall her own name and that no matter how hard she tries, it just doesn’t exist within her memory. Once that is done, Sunset temporarily brings Fluttershy out of her trance and (taking care not to refer to her by name) claims that the session went fantastically, much to the shy girl’s delight. However, when Sunset asks her to state her name for the essay, Fluttershy finds she can’t remember her own name (apart from it containing the letter ‘F’) and expresses genuine confusion over it. As she tries her best to remember (often coming up with false names like ‘Felicity’ or ‘Fiona’), Sunset watches on in slight amusement at her friend’s struggles and decides to hold off on restoring Fluttershy’s memories for a bit longer than she should…..