“Eight down, and only several dozen more to go,” Rarity sighed contently as she tossed away another freshly emptied box towards her small but growing pile, having just stuffed herself with its crème-filled chocolatey delights.
Being home alone on Valentine’s Day certainly had its perks. With her parents out to dinner and her little sister on her first date, she had the whole night to herself. Dressed for the occasion, she simply wanted to lay back and enjoy her many gifts from her secret admirers.
Opalescence meowed from her cat tree as she looked down at the stack chocolates below her. “Oh, Opal. You know those aren’t for you,” Rarity chuckled as she lightly stroked her bloated belly. “As the old saying goes, curiosity killed the cat.” Opal simply purred back.
“Besides, you wouldn’t want me to starve, now would you?” Rarity continued to tease as she rolled her heavy body onto her side. The sofa creaked and bent under her weight while her massively fleshy belly poured over the edge, hanging just mere inches from the ground. “Look at me, I’m practically wasting away.” As she playfully shook her heavy belly, she could feel the rest of her immense figure bouncing along. Her thighs and bum quaked, her breasts and arms wobbled. She even felt her chubby face jiggle quite a bit.
“Well, I better get through all these before you do.” With a feeling of hunger sneaking its way back, Rarity reached out for another box of chocolates and laid back once again, letting her soft pillow of a body takes its time to settle. “As you can see, it is getting harder to myself full these days.”
Dropping down from the cat tower, Opal continued to ignore her.
“Not like I have anything better to do on Valentine’s Day,” Rarity continued to drone on, mindlessly popping chocolates into her mouth. “Which is fine, I suppose. I’m not the only one who’s single today. there’s Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie, Fluttershy… Sunset, I think… Applejack… Um…”
Rarity stopped, lost in thought.
Suddenly realizing her mind was wandering, she shook it off. “Well… in any case, I couldn’t ask for a better night. Isn’t that right, Opal?”
As she looked towards her cat, she finds that not only did Opal manage to open up a box, she was also carrying a chocolate truffle in her mouth.