Name: Radiant Majesty
Nickname: Radiance
gender: female
species: unicorn
parents: Fleur-de-lis and Fancy Pants
personality:A nice pony who fell in with a bad crowd, Radiant majesty is a unicorn with unwavering patience. Before she attended the school of friendship she worked as a fashion model. Her naive nature allows her to be easily manipulated and a bit doormat.She has a lot of respect and admiration towards opal for her beauty and regal personality. She is friends with photogenic and opal who she follows around like a puppy. Unlike her friends she is a lot kinder to other ponies however, her loyalty to opal comes first so she’ll betray you if necessary.
likes: sucking up to opal
dislikes: ponies who criticize opal
favorite food: cheesecake
favorite place: canterlot castle
least favorite food: apricots
residence: canterlot
lovers: none
pets: dove
talent: modeling