22nd of June, 1000 ALB.
An awful lot had happened in the last 48 hours. Nightmare Moon had returned from exile, Bat Pony militias all across Equestria had risen up in her support, Celestia herself had been banished to the moon, Canterlot and many other big Equestrian cities had been reduced to warzones, and a new Lunar Empire had been declared in the ruins of Canterlot. Though the ceremony that declared this Empire and crowned Nightmare Moon as its Empress abruptly ended with a bombing by an assumed Celestial Loyalist that destroyed Canterlot Castle’s foundations and threw it all into disarray.
Throughout it all, a young bat mare by the name of Selenite was tirelessly working to organise, command, and fight in the name of Nightmare Moon. After quickly organising a desperate evacuation of the ceremony that saved countless lives from the bomber, she took a moment to rest as Nightmare Moon was addressing her subjects. Though she certainly wasn’t expecting the newly crowed Empress to approach and congratulate her specifically.
As you would expect, a whole lot of EEEE followed.