As a lot of you probably saw in one of my newest posts, I planned on altering characters in my Pandaverse to help match the series finale canon shippings. I know this isn’t something I HAD to do, but it is something I want to do.
Next alteration: New ship – [Mirror] King Sombra and Celestia; Gardenia Glory!
Inspired by the comics, Celestia conceived Gardenia while visiting King Sombra in the Mirror World. In Celestia’s homeworld, King Sombra’s heart was black as night; but in this world, he was kind and brave, and a wonderful king. This was unlike the Sombra she knew.. the Sombra she knew her younger sister once loved. This was a different Sombra; and it didn’t take long for Celestia to fall in love with him. Starswirl warned Celestia not to get attached; This was not their world, and it was forbidden to be with a pony from an alternate timeline.. It was not part of the natural order of their own timeline.
But Celestia couldn’t help herself, and continued visiting Sombra through the mirror without Starswirl; Without permission.
Until the day came when their union created a rift in their universes; And the evil Celestia and Luna from Sombra’s world threaten to break through the rift and take over Celestia’s own homeworld. Sombra sacrifices himself for the good of their worlds and the ponies in them, and transfers the evil magic from Celestia and Luna into himself before they could severe the rift for good; Corrupting himself, making him alike to the Sombra Celestia knew from her own homeworld. She retreated to her world, and with a heavy heart, said goodbye and shattered the mirror. It wasn’t long after the events that transpired in the Mirror world that Celestia discovered she was pregnant with Mirror Sombra’s foal.. It was a filly; and Celestia named her “Gardenia Glory”. A name to symbolized the secret love between her and Mirror King Sombra.
When Celestia was pregnant, she discovered her sister, too, was expecting a foal; The Sombra from their world’s foal.
Luna had attempted to break through to him, to try and reform him and convince him there was more to life than evil deeds and slavery.. She thought she had gotten through to him, only to find out he was faking the entire time in attempt to brainwash Luna back into corruption instead. During their “courtship”, Luna conceived her foal; whom she later gave birth to and named, “Nightfly”. (Not too long after Gardenia was born).
For most of Gardenia’s foalhood, Celestia never revealed who her father was. She worried the ponies would not understand, and felt it would be weird to try and explain how she and Luna both had a foal with King Sombra; But they were both entirely different ponies from different worlds, and therefore different Sombra’s. After a while, Luna broke the silence and asked Celestia if Sombra from the Mirror was the father; knowing full well her sister snuck away to be with him. Celestia broke down and revealed everything to her sister; and to her surprise, she was not bothered by it one bit. She knew it wasn’t the same Sombra as the darkhearted one Luna regretted being with. But she did regret having Nightfly, and loved her daughter very much.
Gardenia and Nightfly, as cousins, grew up together.. However, as they got older, they slowly began drifting apart. Nightfly became sheltered, closed in; And hard trouble opening up to ponies.. Whereas Gardenia became a social butterfly; Comfortable in the public eye, and loved greeting the ponies of Ponyville alongside her mother and aunt.
Gardenia is currently unaware of her father’s true origins; but at the moment, doesn’t seem to mind not knowing.
(This is not 100% accurate to the “Reflections” comic, this is just my background inspired by it)
Name: Gardenia Glory
Gender: Female/Mare
Species: Unicorn
Mother: Celestia
Father: Mirror King Sombra
Siblings: None
Cutie Mark: Glowing pink flower
Location: Silver Shoals Castle