Artist’s description from DA:
Tier 1 Commission for ChibiRenamon: for his fanfic Rock the Carousel! For those of you who’s followed me for a looong while, you might remember I did a Rockstar!AU where Twilight was a huge rockstar (and yes of course it the main pairing was RariTwi. I still ship the hell outta that ship ;w; ). Well, Chibi ran with the idea and developed it into one hellofa story, and if you have the time I highly recommend you take a read! <:The scene here is related to, but not necessarily in, a recent chapter of the story. I was tasked with depicting the strange place of limbo Celestia and Twilight’s relationship has fallen into at this point: Twily’s coming to terms about her perception of her mentor and whether or not the fault lies with Celestia… or herself. Fault for what? Mayhaps take a read of the story to find out, eh? ;3
Anyway to talk about the artwork itself; it took a little while to get a general pose and composition I liked well enough to move forward but once I found it, I think this piece really came together quite nicely. I’m happy with the result, especially the feel of the image. <:
Thank you so much again for commissioning me Chibi!! <sup>.</sup>