Ponyville, year 2146, more than 200 years after the Megaspell event. The ruins of Equestria still stand leaving those who have survived the megaspell to survive. Canterlot, shielded behind a dome of magic, inaccessible and dangerous to venture in due to the murderous pink gas clouds that would render a pony to nothing but a pile of bones. Tribes gaining strength as chaos reigns throughout the land for survival of one’s self or for pure psychological pleasure have left Equestria in a constant unstable mess. But for one unicorn walking the old streets of Ponyville, today is nothing but quiet.
He looked to the charred limber of what used to be the supports for the buildings of old and lamented over the idea of who had lived there. The balefire that continued to burn green as if they were recently lit aflame just hours ago. He sighed taking a brief moment to stop and look at the old town hall that had its walls holed through, parts broken off for crude raider battlements, and a few skeletons of ponies long dead. With another sigh, he started to walk off to find shelter for the night.
A commission for a person that wanted their FoE character drawn with some cel shading or at least with the series art style. First commission of 2020.
Lunar Spice belongs to the client who commissioned me.
drawn by johnathon-matthews on Deviantart (me) (R33lKhun1sP0n3) and is featured on both my Furaffinity and Ddeviantart pages.