Originally posted on: November 22, 2011
Or maybe not…Bloodknife if she was a pegasi/unicorn…then her name would had been Bloodwing or Bloodhorn (uncreative names)Back story for pegasi:
The young pegasi girl didn’t know what hit her before it was too late. Dazzled she sat up in the middle of Everfree forest. A pain surged in her left shoulder and when she looked she didn’t see anything. Her left wing had been cut clean off and was now beside her. Carefully she picked the wing up and didn’t know what to do next. Now she also got her cutiemark as for some odd reason this was her special talent.
And here is the back story for the unicorn:
She had always been a gifted unicorn and even got into the Canterlot school for gifted unicorns. Only she had started to study the dark arts. The other students got scared of her and once day, while being out playing they pushed her over a small rock. While landing she ended up on her horn and by a freak accident she broke it in two. The other students ran off scared now, leaving her behind. Seeing the broken off horn the young unicorn swore revenge on the ponies that were they cause of her losing her horn.
Ehum…yeah…um…don’t mind the suck backstories okay…
Bloodhorn and Bloodwing © me