Name: Sweet ‘Cinnamon’ Tulip
Age: 10
Species: Unicorn
Family: Sunlight Sprout (Mother), Li’l Cheese (Father), Twilight Sparkle and Lemon Hearts (Maternal Grandmothers), Pinkie Pie (Paternal Grandmother), Cheese Sandwich (Paternal Grandfather), Twilight Velvet (Maternal Great Grandmother), Night Light (Maternal Great Grandfather), Cloudy Quartz (Paternal Great Grandmother), Igneous Rock Pie (Paternal Great Grandfather), Lunar Gleam, Starry Twinkle and Lilac Glow (Aunts), Silver Breeze (Uncle), Shining Armor (Maternal Great Uncle), Cadance (Maternal Great Aunt), Maud Pie, Marble Pie and Limestone Pie (Paternal Great Aunts), Mudbriar (Paternal Great Uncle), Flurry Heart (Cousin).
Sweet much like her father and his mother, an energetic, bouncy foal and much like her name is very sweet and kind. who loves sweets and making her friends and family smile. She’s easy to trust and trusts others easily, she can be naïve being young, which has gotten herself in trouble more than once. With her family being all around she travels a lot sometimes staying in Canterlot with her Grandma Twilight and Lemon. The rock farm with her father’s family and normally lives in Ponyville and hopes to start her own bakeries all across Equestria and beyond for all creatures to enjoy. She doesn’t hate her first name most of her friends and family call her by her middle name Cinnamon.
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Designed by: EmberSkyDragon on DevaintArt