Tried taking some of his old bio and probably adding more to it, you can see his original design here(along with how I first drew ponies)->
Name: Alastair
Species: Spirit of protection
Age: Way older than Celestia
Height: Taller than Chrysalis
Abilities: sensitive hearing, nightvision, able to transform into smoke, uses his smoke form to change size(but still has the same force, etc as if he was still the tall giant that he is) telekinesis (but only when the pony is in deep sorrow to when they won’t listen to any other pony to reason) and able to stretch his tail to unknown lengths.
History: Was once known throughout the land sometime when Equestria started, Alastair was once known to come to those who are sad and or in a way unhappy. He helped bring happiness across the land, but along came the rain of Discord(sometime before the princesses). But failed in stopping the spirit of chaos, not being able to do the one thing he was created to do, Alastair went into a deep depression and went into the EverFree Forest where he went into a deep slumber like sleep. Many many years have passed and Discord returns to claim his throne in Ponyville. Awaking Alastair he realizes that this could be his chance to redeem himself so Alastair decided to head towards PonyVille. But then just arriving he sees that everything is normal, listening in onto the many ponies in the town he learns about how the Elements of Harmony defeated Discord just over an hour ago…yeah it kind of sucks huh? So now Alastair wonders in the Everfree forest near Ponyville where he’ll wait and listen to the citizens of Ponyville to find some kind of acknowledgement/significance that he can still help those in need, even if it’s not a big one at least then the lonely spirit will find some little piece of closure.
Relationships: Citizens of Ponyville are ok with him, Alastair still tries to gain their trust (or at least make them more comfortable), Elements of Harmony- Mostly Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbowdash, Pinkie pie, Derpy, the Apples, the princesses (Luna treats him like an older brother), fillies of the town tend to enjoy playing with him(swinging on his tail, getting piggyback rides and such).
Tail: His tail is the main thing he uses to eat (yes he can starve) but does not have vocal cords due to him having the ability to stretch it at unbelievable distances so the vocal cords will most likely tear. Anyway he does have an organ(intestine) that can stretch like the rest of his tail (magic I guess he’s a spirit how am I suppose to explain all this!). But in order to swallow the food Alastair’s tail has to be at the length you see before you (I didn’t want him to be lazy).
Personality: Responsible, kind, smart(physical communication), calm
Dislikes: Evil, Discord
Likes: fond of Butterflies, diamonds, cupcakes, those who are brave and take risksMlpFim © Hasbro and :iconfyre-flye:
Art/Oc © ME :iconmushindivinity: