The following message is transmitted at the request of local authorities. At 9:47 a.m, Mountain Time, a disaster of unknown type has occured at the Black Mesa Research Facility causing signifivant damage and failure to various power and communications systems in the surrounding areas. An immediate evacuation order has been issued for all residents within a seventy-mile radius of the Facility. An on-site military has been dispatched to provide assistance. Make sure to bring an emergency supply of food, water, clothing, first-aid kit, flashlights with extra batteries, and battery powered radios.
Follow Local evacuation routes which have been marked by local authorities, and only use one vehicle. Do not return to the warning area until the all clear has been given. If you are not in the evacuation zone, stay where you are. If you are within the evacuation area, and have no transportation, locate your nearest police department or military officier. Do not use telephones, or cell phones, except in the case of emergencies.
Stay turned to local new media outlets for further details and information on this situation.
[Emergency Broadcast Signout Tones]
Used sofware:
- SourcefilmMaker
- Adobe After Effect CC
-Male Gasmask Prop
-Pony Imperial Guard Armor
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