<ins>Applejack’s Thanksgiving</ins>
<ins>Part 3/3:</ins>
It’s the day after Applejack’s massive Thanksgiving feast at her house and it’s easy to say, everyone had a big belly full of goodness. Everyone.
Rainbow: Aw man. I don’t know how I’d let myself do this. (Grabs and moves her belly fat around)
Applejack: Well, well, well. Looks like the fitness junkie had a little too much ta eat. I never thought I’d see this in my life.
Rainbow: I couldn’t help it! Your cooking is just so good! The turkey, the mash, the hams, the pies, the-
She stops when she sees AJ smirking amusingly.
Rainbow: What I mean is… thanks. For the food and everything. (Sigh) But now I’ve gotta lose this blob! (Smacks her tummy)
Applejack: Oh I dunno. It’s really not that bad, living with a belly as big as Bessie. (Rubs her tummy warmly)
Rainbow: No, no. It’s alright. I can lose all of this before Christmas. You’ll see.
AJ raises an eyebrow.
Rainbow: No really, I will. I exercise and eat healthily every single day. Unlike some. No offence.
Applejack: None taken. We all have our differences. (Pats her tummy) Bwwaaarrpp! Oh sorry, that must’ve been all the leftovers from yesterday.
Rainbow: Yyyyyyeeah. I’d better go. There’re some dumbbells calling for me. (Leaves for her fitness room)
Applejack: Welp, another year, another successful feast.
She then falls back onto Rainbow’s bed and let’s out a relaxed sigh.
Applejack: Bwwwaaarrrrrrpp! Heh heh heh. (Sigh) I love doin’ that.