<ins>Applejack’s Thanksgiving</ins>
<ins>Part 2/3:</ins>
Twilight: Heh. I knew it. Pinkie can eat a big pile of savoury treats.
Applejack: Even Rainbow’s havin’ multiple platefuls.
Twilight: Would you blame any of us though? Your cooking is so good. I don’t know how you do it.
Applejack: Nor do I honestly. I just read what it says in the recipe book.
Twilight: I wouldn’t normally say this, but it was a good thing you cooked so much food. Not only because you’re serving seven people, but because we can all stuff ourselves in all this goodness until we”re completely round.
Applejack: Now hold on. You’ve still got all the pies ta go yet. Still, I wouldn’t want all this cookin’ ta go ta waste. Anyone want some more?
There’s a series of agreeing voices.
Twilight: (sigh) I’m never going to be thin again, aren’t I?