Grogar summon the four evil villains Tirek. Chrysalis. Cozy Glow and King Sombra. grogar is Discord. he tell the four about evil plan
but Sombra had a second thoughts and he walk away out the Grogar’s Place he Refuse to join the Legion of Doom. and Cozy wacth him going so she had second thoughts too she don’t like join the doom team Grogar is Prue Evil Blue Demon Goat so she going with sombra. now grogar (Disocrd) was Surprise the two walk away they don’t want to join them and Tirek & Chrysalis don’t those Ponies they Ponies. that wasn’t part of his plan now he has to do something to come up with the different plan so grogar (discord) told the Two (Tirek and Chrysalis) to stay in the grogar’s Place and not Going anywhere. so Discord go outside to come up with the plan. he didn’t know those two (Sombra & Cozy) Walk Away. discord thought sombra want to take back his kingdom and cozy want to revenge and now they changed their mind now they are good guy now, “how they Reformed there only One Room for Reformed it that is Me” Discord Thought the evil Laugh now the Two Stupid Ruining His Plan discord plan to make Twilight become rule of Equestria and two Princesses Celestia & Luna will go away put Twilight in Charge then discord will trick twilight he will take over the equestrian. he shouldn’t never Summon those stupid two Loser.
King Sombra and Cozy Glow Walk Outside. Sombra not going back to his Kingdom Crystal Empire. he afraid he going to Die again so he give up. now he lost he lost his kingdom and his lost his friend name Radiant Hope. he Lost his Two Love One he has now he Alone.
he remember Hope Said she want to Marry Sombra to had a happy Life Together had a Happy Family have Happy Kids Together but is Never Happen. he never thought about had a kid his own. but turn his head look back he saw little Filly Name Cozy Glow she sit on the ground and Silent. he don’t Understand Why Celestia Send that little filly to Tartarus for No Good Reason. why celestia do that she just a Child! Sombra was Right that Celestia no good why celestia so careless.
Cozy sit on the Ground think her thought she had lost but she don’t want to go back to ponyville or see her friends. but why Twilight and Celestia send Her to that Horrorful Tartarus she too Young to that horror Nightmare and Painful and Hurtful. Why? She not a Monster Like Tirek and Chrysalis and Grogar. she just a little innocent Filly!. Cozy Try to Make a Equestria Safe without Magic Tirek will never suck on everypony Magic and Destroy equestria ever again and chrysalis will never use magic to suck on everypony feed on love ever again. she want become Emperor of Friendship what she choose to be but she was Wrong she never try to hurt everypony.
but she had Remember the horrorful past her Parent Disown her kick her Out they Never Love Her anymore. Cozy feel Sad Alone then Cozy Snap she hear Sombra Said something he Said “Where Your Parent?” Cozy look up to see Sombra asking her
so Cozy Said “My Parent Disown me they Never Love Me” and se sad look down staring as the ground sombra shock he hear she said why was her parent disown her like that. Sombra can’t leave the Filly Alone. sombra thought he think he want have child of his own so he will Adopted her he said “How I will Adopted you will that sound good if you want to” Cozy Look Back up to See Sombra and She Surprise then she never thought of that but she barely know him but he King Sombra Ruler of Crystal Empire but he seen so kind to her so wanna a new daddy to take care of her now cozy smile and she said “yes I Like That” and they both going Far Away from Equestria go to New the Place Call Forgotten City with all Creatures and Griffon and Dragon and Lizard and Talking Cat Name Capper.
that Sombra and Cozy Glow New Happy Life Together.